About the Project
Strengthening Institutions and Empowering Localities Against Disasters and Climate Change in the Philippines (SHIELD) aims to support the Philippine government in building institutional and community resilience to climate change and all types of hazards. The 6-year program is funded by the Australian Embassy in the Philippines and implemented by the United Nations Development Program and the Department of the Interior and Local Government, with consortium partners including UN-Habitat.
UN-Habitat leads the efforts in working with provinces in preparing risk and resilience-informed plans, investment programs, finance accessing, and technical support to national government agencies in harmonizing procedures and requirements for local resilience planning. Particular to the SHIELD work in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), UN-Habitat supports the region in drafting the Bangsamoro Spatial Development Framework, capitalizing on UN-Habitat tools and experiences in post-conflict areas.
Project Timeline: 2022-2027
Partner provinces: Albay, Cagayan, Pampanga, Pangasinan, Quezon, Cebu, Eastern Samar, Northern Samar, Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Davao Oriental
Partner regions: National Capital Region, BARMM
Project Outputs
Project Outputs
The methodology builds on the existing tools used by local government unit in assessing and planning for climate change resilience building, more specifically the Climate and Disaster Risk Assessment (CDRA). The methodology also builds on the earlier work by The World Bank on developing a provincial climate vulnerability diagnostics. The key value addition of PCRD was the risk dimension and the inclusion of information on likelihood of occurrence of the hazards such as climate change scenarios.
The PCRD Tool is an Excel-based, GIS-compatible tool that makes use of climate risk determinants following the IPCC AR5 and AR6 frameworks, and covers Hazards, Exposure, Vulnerability, and Severity of Consequence of impacts. The tool delivers Risk analytics on the scale of the province (Basic) or even at the smaller scale (Basic+), depending on the data entered in the Tool. Its interactive user interface allows users to navigate data layers to examine the different components of climate risks, risks under different climate scenarios, and to engage in scenario analysis with a limited set of built-in adaptation and resilience interventions.
The learnings from the two provinces, along with multistakeholder feedback and expert inputs, have been distilled into a Short Note that provides recommendations on how the PCRD Tool can be used and integrated into the local planning process, particularly for resilience-building. The recommendations provided can be used in a policy brief to the GOP on climate resilient investments.
Results of application of the Tool in the provinces of Southern Leyte and Bukidnon were developed as provincial risk profiles. The Risk Profiles contain all the diagnosis results, including hazards, exposure, vulnerability, and risk. The documents demonstrate the usability of PCRD, and its effectiveness in translating results into a cohesive report that can serve as basis for decision-making, prioritization, and resource allocation.
Planning for Resilience
(note: this is a placeholder section for the landscape/challenge when on data and analytics for local climate action planning and investment)
54% of the Philippines’ total population is living in urban areas as of 2020 (Philippines Statistics Authority, 2022).
In the Asia Pacific region, around 742 million urban dwellers are facing high or extreme multiple hazards; this number could reach nearly 1 billion by 2030. Climate change will intensify the urban heat island effect.
– UN-Habitat and UN ESCAP, 2018 (Climate Change and National Urban Policies In Asia And The Pacific)
The Philippines ranks 4th among countries most affected by extreme weather events from 2000 to 2019. – Global Climate Risk Index, 2021
SHIELD aims to expedite resilience-building efforts in these provinces through collaborative partnerships involving multiple stakeholders. The program employs risk-based planning, improves value chains, and ensures business continuity to foster resilience against disasters and climate change.