Areas of work
UN-Habitat’s contributes to sustainable development of urban areas and human settlements across different thematic areas of work.

Domain of Change 2

Domain of Change 3

Domain of Change 4

Domain of Change 1
Reduced spatial inequality and poverty in communities across the urban – rural continuum
UN-Habitat programmes prioritize groups that do not currently have equal access to basic services, sustainable mobility and public space, and provide interventions that allow substantive equality of outcome, counteracting different forms of exclusion.
Domain of change 1 translates into three key outcome areas to which UN-Habitat, working with partners, can contribute. These are as follows:
(a) Increased and equal access to basic services, sustainable mobility and public space;
(b) Increased and secure access to land, and adequate and affordable housing;
(c) Effective settlement growth and regeneration.

Domain of Change 2
Enhanced shared prosperity of cities and regions
Adequate territorial planning can strengthen the capacity of small and medium-sized cities to provide win-win situations for regions, as it can reduce pressure on primary cities and help rural populations to access information, goods, services and other resources that are needed for improved opportunities and increased productivity.
Domain of change 2 translates into the following three key outcome areas in which UN-Habitat, working with partners, can contribute:
(a) Improved spatial connectivity and productivity of cities and regions;
(b) Increased and equitably distributed locally generated revenues;
(c) Expanded deployment of frontier technologies and innovations for urban development.

Domain of Change 3
Strengthened climate action and improved urban environment
In order to support Member States in undertaking climate action and improving the urban environment, UN-Habitat will work together with United Nations agencies, to mainstream environmental considerations into local, national and global urban policymaking and to highlight the local–global element of environmental issues.
Domain of change 3 comprises three outcomes that together aim to strengthen climate action and improve urban environments to create systemic change by designing integrated solutions that balance the patterns of human life and the built and natural environments in cities. Those outcomes are as follows:
(a) Reduced greenhouse gas emissions and improved air quality;
(b) Improved resource efficiency and protection of ecological assets;
(c) Effective adaptation of communities and infrastructure to climate change.

Domain of Change 4
Effective urban crisis prevention and response
The United Nations System recognizes that social and spatial inequalities, unplanned growth, unequal access to land, affordable housing and basic services, and pressure on natural resources all contribute to an accumulation of disaster risk, instability and potential conflict.
Domain of change 4 translates into three interrelated outcomes, relevant to both crisis prevention and crisis response:
(a) Enhanced social integration and inclusive communities;
(b) Improved living standards and inclusion of migrants, refugees, internally displaced persons and returnees through effective crisis response and recovery;
(c) Enhanced resilience of the built environment and infrastructure.
Our Projects
The Provincial Climate Risk Diagnostic (PCRD) Project is a component of the Accelerating Climate Investment in the Philippines (ACIP of the World Bank which extends support to Government of the Philippines Risk Resiliency Program (RRP). The PCRD project seeks to provide technical advice and support to the Philippine government in developing the PCRD Tool and applying it for provincial resilience investment planning. The PCRD project builds on the work already initiated by the World Bank and the Philippine Government under the RRP as well as the on-going initiatives of UN-Habitat with government especially the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development in enhancing the analytics and tool for climate and disaster risk assessment (CDRA) issued by the Department to support and guide LGUs in their local development planning and investment programming. The project is being implemented in four partner provinces: Bukidnon, Southern Leyte, Sultan Kudarat, Zamboanga del Norte.
The SHIELD Program aims to make “all people in target communities safer and more resilient to the impacts of disasters and climate change.”
The phrase “all people” highlights the common policy priority of the Philippine and Australian Governments in ensuring that development is inclusive – benefiting females and males, both with and without disabilities. The focus on “target communities” reflects the fact that the SHIELD program will concentrate its resources and efforts in provinces jointly selected with the Philippine Government (GPH). “Safer and more resilient” reflects the SHIELD program’s ultimate ambition of fostering local environments that are more resilient to the impacts of disasters and climate change benefitting individuals, households, communities, and businesses.
ASUS aim to contribute towards (i) enhancing ASEAN connectivity; (ii) achieving three strategic outcomes identified in the ASUS Framework, namely: ‘higher quality of life’, ‘competitive economy’, and ‘sustainable environment’; and (iii) accelerating the implementation of sustainable urbanisation in the ASEAN region in alignment with the New Urban Agenda (NUA) to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The project is being implemented in General Santos City.
The project is being implemented in Naga City.
In 2015, the UK Government established the Prosperity Fund in order to help promote economic growth in developing countries. Its broad priorities include improving the business climate, competitiveness and operation of markets, energy and financial sector reform and in increasing the ability of Governments to tackle corruption. The Global Future Cities Programme (GFCP) is a specific component of the Prosperity Fund, which aims to carry out technical assistance for a set of targeted interventions to encourage sustainable development and increase prosperity while alleviating high levels of urban poverty, in particular based on three thematic pillars: urban planning, transport and resilience. In the Philippines, GFCP is being implemented in New Clark City and Cebu City.
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Partner with UN-Habitat
UN-Habitat Philippines hopes to create socially and environmentally sustainable cities, provinces, villages and barangays in the Philippines, and welcomes partnerships with government, international agencies, civil society organisations and the private sector.