2023 Results, 2024 Prospects*

US $122.6 million in expenditures and investment across a robust portfolio of programmes and projects by 29 United Nations (UN) entities working jointly and efficiently in support of the 2023-2028 Philippine Development Plan. These key indicators are unpacked in the 2023 Annual Results Report of the UN in the Philippines, entitled “2023 Results, 2024 Prospects”.
The report details how the UN works with the Government of the Philippines at all levels to localize global development solutions and tailor them to the needs of the country, with the aim to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
“Throughout 2023, our efforts have been closely aligned with the country’s development priorities, human rights, gender equality commitments, and the overarching 17 SDGs,” said Gustavo González, the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in the Philippines. “We aimed to unlock the full development potential of everyone in the Philippines.”
The UN in the Philippines supported national development through technical assistance, capacity development, knowledge generation and exchange, and innovative pilot programmes and partnerships as well as the provision of critical support to humanitarian shocks. As a global knowledge community, it provided policy and technical advice for the development of more than 120 people-centred policies, laws, and national frameworks.
The report presents 2023 results along three pillars of work.
The first pillar, People, ensures that marginalized, vulnerable, and at-risk groups benefit from improved nutrition, food security, health, and life-long learning in supportive environments. Results include more than 8.1 million children vaccinated against measles, while over 50,000 people in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) benefitted from improved access to food.
Under the pillar of Prosperity and Planet, the UN promoted resilient, equitable, and sustainable development by addressing urbanization, economic growth, and climate change. Its work included supporting small businesses, through increased market exposure and access for micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the food sector, leading to US $122 million in new sales. The UN provided vital support to 12 government emergency response operations, helping millions of people.
Under the pillar of Peace, the UN enhanced inclusive and accountable governance, helped generate decent employment, and the delivery of essential health, education, security, justice, protection, and recovery services to the most vulnerable especially in Mindanao, fostering socially cohesive and resilient communities. Results include technical and vocational training for decommissioned combatants, in partnership with the Joint Task Force on Decommissioned Combatants and their Communities. At the same time, close to 200 Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) leaders graduated from the School of Peace and Democracy. These are only some achievements contributing to the implementation of key conflict-prevention and community development initiatives in BARMM.
The report also showcases stories from UN entities in the Philippines, demonstrating the ultimate impact of the UN’s work: bridging gaps and fostering inclusivity, particularly for indigenous communities, persons with disabilities, and other vulnerable and marginalized groups.
“Achievements belong to Filipino professionals, practitioners and organizations. The UN just creates an enabling environment for partnerships, knowledge sharing and innovation,” Mr González underlined. “Strengthened collaboration among UN entities and with development partners has also increased resources for SDGs acceleration”, he added.
“Our successes are inseparable from our strong partnerships with the Government of the Philippines, non-government organizations and civil society organizations, communities, youth groups, labour unions, academe, development partners, the business community and the many individuals championing the rights of the most vulnerable,” he said.
*First posted on phillipines.un.org