Short Note on Recommendations for the Use of the Provincial Climate Risk Diagnostics (PCRD) in Planning

Actions towards building climate resilience are positioned within and guided by a government framework for policy and planning, which spans national to local government scales, and spatial, sectoral, and temporal dimensions. A key component of this network of plans is the Provincial Development Physical Framework Plan (PDPFP), which contains the development vision and strategies to guide or direct the physical and sectoral development growth of the province. It also provides basis for budgeting and investment programming, a critical step in concretizing a province’s development and climate-focused priorities.

The interface between planning, investment programming, and climate resilience signals the need for an effective and reliable method for risk analysis at the provincial level. Panning oversight agencies like the National Economic and Development Authority and the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development have released guidelines and parameters for the mainstreaming of risk assessment in the formulation of the PDPFP. National government agencies have also developed thematic and sector-based risk assessment tools. Despite these efforts, there lacks a comprehensive provincial level tool that fully integrates climate and disaster risk consideration across sectors. This need for a comprehensive, consistent, and coherent tool provides the basis for the development of the Provincial Climate Risk Diagnostic Tool (PCRD).

This short note provides key considerations for enhancing climate risk analytics in provincial planning. It also recommends various uses of the PCRD tool for planning including risk diagnosis, spatial and sectoral planning, investment and implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and multilevel climate governance.

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