UN-Habitat’s Healthy Oceans and Clean Cities Initiative (HOCCI), a project supported by the Government of Japan, has compiled actual learnings of partner cities and communities in local-level marine litter reduction stakeholder engagement, planning and implementation into a two-volume guidance document called “Localizing Marine Litter Actions: An Experience-based Guide for City/Municipal-level Localization of the Philippine National Plan of Action on Marine Litter (NPOA-ML)”
The Guide aims to facilitate replication across the country and the ASEAN region. It crystallizes the general steps carried out by partner cities Cagayan de Oro, Calapan, Davao, Legazpi, Manila, and Ormoc with support from national advisers and international partners, with due consideration of the local situation and capacities of each city.
Volume 1: Developing the City/Municipal Plan of Action on Marine Litter
Aligned with the planning process of local government units (LGUs), it captures the process of developing the City Plan of Action on Marine Litter (CPOA-ML) from creating the planning team, situational analysis and baselining, visioning, capacity development, action identification, until approval and adoption. It provides recommendations for enhancements of existing local policies and mainstreaming into other local plans.
Volume 2: Implementing the City/Municipal Plan of Action on Marine Litter
It showcases the pilot cities’ on-ground implementation of plastic reduce, reuse, and recycle (3Rs) pilot projects and discusses the enabling factors in implementation, as well as lessons learned. Mapped out across the 10 NPOA-ML strategies, the project demonstrations operationalize the national plan by various stakeholders at the local level.