For many cities, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated pre-existing issues in poverty and inequality including challenges in employment and livelihood, transport and accessibility, access to basic services, and security of tenure.
The ones who suffered the worst impact are the marginalized urban populations. It is then vital to understand the situation of the urban poor to inform the facilitation and conduct of resilient and green recovery in the cities.
The Building Climate Resiliency through Urban Plans and Designs (BCRUPD) has initiated a rapid research in partnership with the Technical Assistance Movement for People and Environment, Inc. (TAMPEI) and the cities of Ormoc and Tagum. The research involves a quick survey and focus group discussions (FGD) in five barangays each in Tagum City and Ormoc City to identify the impacts of COVID-19 in selected urban poor communities. This publication provides highlights from the said study as well as entry points for building resilience and green recovery.
A key component of BCRUPD is to integrate COVID-19 green recovery technical assistance to the cities of Tagum and Ormoc for recovery planning and related project investment programming. The report is likewise intended to provide data and evidence to support policy development surrounding pandemic recovery both at the city and national levels.
Download here: COVID-19 and the Urban Poor in the Cities of Ormoc and Tagum, Philippines
Link to the full study: Research on Resilient and Green Recovery
Knowledge product type: Research Highlights
Year: 2021