Rebuilding Marawi – The People’s Journey

The five-month standoff between between government forces and pro-ISIS militants in Marawi City in 2017 forcibly displaced 30% percent of the city’s 201,000 residents and left the once bustling economic center in ruins.

UN-Habitat, with funding support from the Government of Japan, and in partnership Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development and other national and local government agencies, supported the rebuilding of the city by providing permanent shelter and livelihood support to families displaced.

UN-Habitat, utilizing the People’s Process, provided 1,000 permanent shelters as well as community infrastructure and peace centers; developed livelihood programs that directly benefitted 1,488 individuals; established peace structures; and empowered communities through various trainings and real-time mentoring on the ground during the 4-year project implementation.

This is the story of the people behind the headlines, of the names and faces behind the numbers. This is the story of rebuilding Marawi.

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