Strengthened policies and capacities for climate resilience building
Giving focus on capacitating the Philippines’ Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development, the Building Climate Resiliency through Urban Plans and Design (BCRUPD) Project sought to strengthen the agency’s institutional capacity on integrating climate resilience building in human settlements planning and urban management including green-recovery from COVID-19 pandemic impacts in the Philippines.
BCRUPD has initiated Resilient and Green Recovery Planning workshops that allowed DHSUD to craft a training module that will help local governments build back better from public health-related crises. An RGR communications workshop was also conducted, helping DHSUD enhance its capacities for communicating climate resilience and green recovery. Alongside this, BCRUPD was also instrumental in the assessments and recommendation reports for DHSUDs’ internal data sharing for climate resilience and M&E of its Environmental, Land Use and Urban Planning and Development Bureau.
DHSUD was also able to develop the Resilient and Green Human Settlements Framework (RGHSF) through the technical assistance of the BCRUPD Project. RGHSF is a milestone policy document that provides guidance on using green development and a resilience-driven perspective to assess, develop, manage, and evaluate settlements and their component parts. It also aims to be a useful reference for all actors involved in human settlements development, so that they can, together with the government, pursue an action-oriented paradigm shift that will result in safe, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable communities across the country.
This document begins with a brief discussion of the RGHSF’s policy anchors and the challenges of human settlements that compel the government to draw up the framework. It then describes the framework, its elements, and key result areas relative to national goals and targets. The last section lists down enabling actions to guide and support stakeholders in the achievement of human settlement goals, and identifies organizations with primary responsibility for implementing actions.

DHSUD, UN-Habitat collaborate with gov’t agencies, private sector for resilience efforts
Ensuring stakeholder participation for its climate resilience initiatives, DHSUD worked with UN-Habitat Philippines to bring together various government agencies and the private sector in recent workshops for upcoming policy milestones.

Resilient green recovery banner Tagum, DHSUD capdev efforts
Aiming to sustain its resilience initiatives, Tagum City recently wrapped up its RGR mentoring and catch-up sessions where projects identified by the cities were further enhanced at the project site-level design.

Inclusion, accessibility pushed as DHSUD advances resilience framework
More than ten years after surviving bone cancer and sustaining an orthopedic disability, Dr. Maureen Ava-Mata has become a staunch advocate of the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities nationwide, having a network of 451 organizations.

PH moves experts, boosts resilience on climate, pandemic perils
Resilience from typhoons and other climate related hazards, green recovery, and pandemic preparedness – these are just some of the key issues the Philippine government is seeking to address as DHSUD and CCC jointly spearhead the finalization of the Resilient and Green Human Settlements Framework (RGHSF).

UN-Habitat, partners highlight efforts to achieve resilient human settlements at #ICHSPD2021
This is the second time that UP-DCERP has partnered with UN-Habitat for the ICHSPD. This year, it is also part of the country office’s Urban October celebration.

Philippine urban actors share city climate solutions with global audience at Innovate4Cities
Representatives from the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development (DHSUD), Technical Assistance Movement for People and Environment, Inc. (TAMPEI), and UN-Habitat joined practitioners, researchers, policymakers, the private sector, and other urban innovators from across the globe to share knowledge and insights on the Philippine experience in building climate-resilient cities.

COVID-19, climate change response pushed in DHSUD policies
In a training intended to beef up the department’s policy capacities, officials and middle-managers of the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development (DHSUD) pushed for ways on how the impacts of pandemic and climate change can be addressed.

DHSUD, key government agencies kickstart training on #ResilientGreenRecovery
Aiming to rebuild and redesign urban spaces and systems to address the impacts of COVID-19 and climate change, the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development commenced a series of training on Resilient and Green Recovery Planning.

Dialogue on Designing Pandemic-Resilient Cities: Insights from the COVID-19 Experience
A Kapihan at Usapang Urban session, UN-Habitat Philippines’s informal dialogue platform for partners and urban stakeholders, was held on the topic “Designing Pandemic-Resilient Cities: Insights