Leaving no one
and no place behind.

UN-Habitat’s mission is to promote socially and environmentally sustainable urban development with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all.

Working towards sustainable human settlements
We work the government and partners in building sustainable, safe, inclusive and resilient cities and human settlements through the implementation of various programs and projects in the country.
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Leveraging on knowledge
We leverage on the knowledge and experience from our projects and develop them into resources that can inform policies, programs, and practices on sustainable urban development.
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Putting people at the center
We put people at the heart of our work. Equally important as the hard and numbers, are the lives of individuals and communities changed through our projects.
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Collaborating for greater impact
We partner with the national and local government, development organizations, socio-civic organizations, the academe, and private sector to achieve enduring results in addressing the challenges of urbanization.
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Our Current Projects

Huy-anan nan Badjao sa Surigao

Supporting Blue-Green Recovery, Strengthening Resilience, and Promoting Sustainable Growth in Philippine Cities and Communities through Nature-Based Solutions and Circular Economy (RRSG thru NBS-CE), aims to strengthen capacities of government to provide support to vulnerable populations displaced by natural disasters. Alternately called Huy-anan nan Badjao sa Surigao (Home for Badjaos in Surigao), the project will support the government in implementing culturally-appropriate nature-based solutions and circular economy, favoring the humanitarian-development nexus, environmental sustainability and adaptation to climate change.

Strengthening Institutions and Empowering Localities Against Disasters and Climate Change in the Philippines

Strengthening Institutions and Empowering Localities Against Disasters and Climate Change in the Philippines (SHIELD) aims to support the Philippine government in building institutional and community resilience to climate change and all types of hazards.

Provincial Climate Risk Diagnostics

The Provincial Climate Risk Diagnostics (PCRD) Project seeks to develop a comprehensive, robust, and accessible data repository and analytics application for provincial local government units, to aid in risk-based planning, decision-making, and investment programming.

The ceremony on Thursday highlighted a sacred ritual called “aguno” for the resettlement site led by the elders of the Bajau community, an act of offering prayers to usher blessing in the indigenous group’s new home.

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